O requerente declara que as informações acima estão, tanto quanto possível na prática, em conformidade com as circunstâncias reais. Informação errada pode ter consequências negativas, por exemplo, colocação errada no diretório. O requerente fica notificado de qualquer risco relacionado com a publicação de informações pessoais na Internet. não se responsabiliza por qualquer abuso ou desacordo entre o produtor e o perfil. mantém o direito de enviar newsletters e e-mails com freqüência sobre castings e muito mais para o perfil. Nós só enviamos e-mails em formato de texto. A primeira vez que você criar um perfil ou subscrever a nossa newsletter, você receberá um e-mail que você precisa para ativar antes de seu usuário estar ativo. Todos os e-mails irão conter um link para a exclusão do perfil. Este link é colocado na parte inferior do e-mail. Os endereços de email não serão vendidos a um terceiro. Os endereços de email são mantidos em segurança nos servidores seguros da Todas as perguntas devem ser dirigidas para [email protected] Se você digitar o número de telefone no perfil, tem o direito de fornecer esta informação para castings/ diretores e muito mais. Nós não podemos garantir um emprego apenas por registrar-se para no diretório do Qualquer forma de publicidade (por exemplo, links para outros sites, e-mails, números de telefone, URL e em mais) no currículo não é permitida. O texto vai ser editado e, nos casos mais graves, o perfil excluído. Você precisa ter pelo menos 16 anos ou mais para criar um perfil no Se você tem menos de 16 de idade, você precisa criar o perfil com seus pais ou seu tutor.
Privacy Policy
We need a long list of interesting information about you, when you have a profile on A part of this information, e.g. full name and email, we keep for ourselves. We need this kind of information to be able to make sure you are actually you, and to be able to contact you.
But, the majority of the information we ask you to provide about yourself are actually going to be publicly available, and it is actually needed to ensure that agent and casters in general can find you, specifically, with your unique look, or your special abilities. Examples are your gender, your height, haircolor and your shoe size - and of course your experience with teatre, movies, singing and dancing, and - of course - pictures of you. All these information assists the agents and casters in finding just you when searching, and after finding you they are enabled to get a good impression of who you are, how your look - and why you are the perfect match for what they need. We also keep track of your applications, and an overview of what castings you have applied for, for your convenience. We will not be selling your information to anyone, and when you want them changed you just delete your profile. The only information we keep when you have deleted your profile is your profile id, your navn, email, created and deleted date, as well as information about the payment you have made to us (in case you had a VIP profile). This is something we are required to keep according to Danish legislation. Remember; you are always able to login to your profile and change or delete your information, and if you cant make it work - or if you have any other questions - then you just send us an email at: [email protected] Regras adicionais
Privacy Policy
We need a long list of interesting information about you, when you have a profile on A part of this information, e.g. full name and email, we keep for ourselves. We need this kind of information to be able to make sure you are actually you, and to be able to contact you.
But, the majority of the information we ask you to provide about yourself are actually going to be publicly available, and it is actually needed to ensure that agent and casters in general can find you, specifically, with your unique look, or your special abilities. Examples are your gender, your height, haircolor and your shoe size - and of course your experience with teatre, movies, singing and dancing, and - of course - pictures of you. All these information assists the agents and casters in finding just you when searching, and after finding you they are enabled to get a good impression of who you are, how your look - and why you are the perfect match for what they need. We also keep track of your applications, and an overview of what castings you have applied for, for your convenience. We will not be selling your information to anyone, and when you want them changed you just delete your profile. The only information we keep when you have deleted your profile is your profile id, your navn, email, created and deleted date, as well as information about the payment you have made to us (in case you had a VIP profile). This is something we are required to keep according to Danish legislation. Remember; you are always able to login to your profile and change or delete your information, and if you cant make it work - or if you have any other questions - then you just send us an email at: [email protected] Regras adicionais
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